religion is an insult to human dignity
without it there would good people who do good thing and evil people who doing evil things
for good people to do evil things that takes religion.
religion has been the basics of so many wars deaths so the relentless questions follows. people divide segregate themselves due to the basics of their deep faith. they have been indoctrinated with views and facts growing up with the different fundamental believes they hold so dear to their heart. jerusalem it personify and acts as a perfect example for the microcosmic of religions. home to four different religions armeian. christian. jewish and muslim it is stores countless religious holy sites and considered to be significantly important in all four religions. however due to politics combined with religion extremisms this city has been destroyed twice. besieged twenty three times. attacked fifty two times. captured and recaptured forty forty times. and this is considered to be the pivotal land of the holy.
i believe questioning ones religion should not be placed as taboo but however be welcomed in all faiths and given satificatory answers. we should not believe cause we are told to believe but because there is logical evidence.
evolution by natural selection is backed by mountains of theories. while creation contradicts the evidence and is only backed by some ancient scribblings.
sectarian education is just plainly wrong how can a innocent child be able to be labeled by their parents religion and faith. their differences are drilled into them at such a young age with or without their knowledge. this is where religion difference starts at such a young age the seeds of segregation are already rooted in their minds. why are children already labeled from such a young age instead of letting them see the evidence for themselves and allowing them to choose. a child does not know what is right or wrong they believe whatever it is told even though it may be nonsense. yes as they grow they will figure it out by logically thinking but those who dont they will grow up and spread the virus of these thoughts. to a child they actually believe in the hell fires. literally. and to scare a child into being good. thinking and forced into the conformed shape of their faith. is not how anybody would want it.
"Do not accept anything by mere tradition ... Do not accept anything just because it accords with your scriptures ... Do not accept anything merely because it agrees with your pre-conceived notions ... But when you know for yourselves — these things are moral, these things are blameless, these things are praised by the wise, these things, when performed and undertaken, conduce to well-being and happiness — then do you live acting accordingly."
or close to it.
there will be a part two..