Sunday, August 3, 2008


the next sentence can be phrased into more cerebral words but
where the fuck had time evanesce to since that celebrated day of february seventh
which happens to be a date i will remember for life. thats a whole other number though.
so i have gone past onetwo.threefour.
and here comes fivesix.seveneight.
if u still have not factorized multiply substrate dy/dx graphistize
what the blog title means. here it goes.
i have expired from my onetwo.threefours
the inaugurations of life the beginning we learn our foundations
crawl walk run jump fall
talk count sing babble curse
so heres my fivesix.seveneight
as i commence on my loosely tether fabricated catamaran with my trusty beloved shadow far behind
i go.
i leave.

i begin.

on a blitheful tone nine signifies the number of toenails i have left.

1 comment:

Chee said...
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