Monday, September 22, 2008


after the very much much credibility bashing post about the very much still rocking macy gray which i still will not never ever ever ever retract. cause music is music. in the steps we walk. the water running. clanking of forks and spoons. the most common things put together. so to note a=c x b but ditto for b=a \ c. so refill the staple its time. sharpen your pencils. stop questioning. start again

bad veins

they actually have three members in the band. the last a 1973 Pioneer reel-to-reel tape recorder named irene. need i say more. bunched together making music that surpasses all borders. on live shows irene comes to play with this 2 man band they have the ability to capture the audience and sets the ambiance to a warm whisper or rousing chant. but that saying noone upstages these two blokes. you just have to listen to them. again. and again. and again. they are in the process of recording their first debut album. songs that are able to connect on a level that surpasses most tunes. the inspired way it seems the music is thrown together. the electronics the drums the lyrics. you realize that simple is not a walk on the stoned pavement. for such a short time of forming the band this can only get better..

'the lie' acoustic.
if they can already play like this. guess the potential of what they can do next.

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